Why start diving with Nitrox?
Ready to take your diving to the next level? Nitrox isn’t just for the pros—it’s for anyone who loves spending more time underwater and less time on the surface watching others have fun. Nitrox gives you longer bottom times and shorter surface intervals. Translation? More dive time, more safety, fewer “waiting-around” selfies.
Nitrox reduces nitrogen absorption, which also means you’ll surface feeling fresher. Plus, telling your friends you dive with Nitrox just sounds cool.
Beyond the Corals has developed some awesome Nitrox tools for you, it may seem complex now, but don’t be scared, after you have completed our Nitrox course it’ll all make sense!
Beyond the Corals Nitrox tools:
General Settings
Before performing any calculations, set the Units (meters or feet) and your preferred Maximum Partial Pressure of Oxygen (PPO₂).
- Units: Choose whether to display depths in meters or feet. This preference will affect all calculations.
- Max PPO₂: Adjust the PPO₂ limit to reflect your dive planning approach. Commonly, recreational divers use 1.4 as a conservative limit, while technical divers may opt for 1.6.
These general settings will be applied automatically to all calculations.
Maximum Operating Depth (MOD)
The Maximum Operating Depth (MOD) calculation determines the greatest depth at which a specific Nitrox mix (EANx) can be safely used without exceeding your maximum PPO₂ setting.
This is critical to ensure that the oxygen partial pressure does not reach dangerous levels, potentially leading to oxygen toxicity. Use this tool to verify if a given Nitrox mix is suitable for your planned depth.
Best Mix for Planned Depth
The Best Mix calculation helps divers select the optimal Nitrox mix for a planned depth. It calculates the ideal oxygen percentage (EANx) that maximizes dive safety while staying within your maximum PPO₂ setting.
This calculation is especially useful when planning dives where you have control over the Nitrox mix, allowing you to balance safety and bottom time.
Equivalent Air Depth (EAD)
The Equivalent Air Depth (EAD) calculation is used to determine the nitrogen load equivalent in air for a dive conducted using Nitrox. This value allows divers to use standard air-based dive tables or computers for planning decompression stops.
By reducing nitrogen levels, Nitrox enables longer no-decompression limits compared to air, but it’s essential to ensure safe PPO₂ levels. The result includes a warning if your PPO₂ limit is exceeded at the current depth.
Partial Pressure of O₂ (PPO₂)
The PPO₂ calculation determines the partial pressure of oxygen at a specific depth using a given Nitrox mix.
Monitoring PPO₂ is vital for avoiding oxygen toxicity. This calculation ensures that your current depth and mix are within safe PPO₂ limits. A warning is displayed if the limit is exceeded, highlighting potential risks of CNS oxygen toxicity.
Please note: All calculations are based on salt water. Take your own responsibility when planning your dive.